
Small Groups

Grow & Connect This Fall.

No matter what season you're in—
we have the perfect group for you!

Every fall, we join together as a church family to participate in Small Groups. Small Groups provide opportunities to develop new relationships, grow closer to God, and walk through life with others. This year, we have four different types of groups you can join, so you can pick the one that’s best for your current season of life. God has amazing plans in store for you, and we want to help you find a group that’s right for you!

Find a Group

  • Connect Groups are designed to help you connect with others while growing in your walk with God. Connect Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, and businesses throughout the community, and discuss the weekend messages or other Milestone studies. Connect Groups are a great way to meet people and form friendships while growing closer to Jesus.

  • Values 301 is a 7-week Small Group experience where you will grow spiritually in the core values of Christianity and learn about the culture of Milestone Church. There will be opportunities to make meaningful relationships and participate in a fun, engaging environment. If you’ve never been a part of a Small Group at Milestone before, then Values 301 is the place for you!

  • Freedom groups are designed to help you grow deeper with Jesus and help remove any barriers in the way of this relationship. Freedom consists of a 9-week Small Group experience, concluding with a 2-day event called Freedom Weekend. No matter your age, your past, or where you find yourself right now, Freedom is an experience we believe everyone should participate in because Jesus has an incredible, abundant life that He wants you to live. Learn more here.

  • One of the areas we’re called to steward is our finances, but maybe some of us would admit we need help knowing how to manage it better. Financial Foundations is a 6-week class where you will be equipped on how to confidently create and manage a budget, save, give, and live debt-free all while making connections with others in the class. Learn more here.

Lead A Group

As a Small Group leader, you have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with others in a truly authentic way. Even if you have never led a group before, we would love for you to take that next step!

Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Connect Groups and Freedom Groups begin the week of September 8. Check the Small Group Finder for groups to join, including days, times, and locations.

    2. Financial Foundations and Values 301 classes meet at different times, depending on the campus you attend. Check the Small Group Finder to register for these classes at your campus.

  • We’re so glad you’re here! We encourage everyone new to our environment to participate in Values 301. You’ll be able to learn more about the heart and culture of Milestone Church and meet some amazing people in your group.

    1. If you participate in Financial Foundations, Values 301, or Freedom, you will be given your book at the first meeting.

    2. If you are participating in a Connect Group that is going through a Milestone Resources study guide, you can purchase it in the Commons at your campus on the weekends or click here.

    3. If your group is going through the weekend messages, you can find discussion guides here.

  • You can find Message Discussion Guides each week on the Milestone App or on the Small Group Leaders page. Guides will be available each Sunday at noon.

  • We’re so excited that you’re interested in leading a group! Visit our Small Group Leaders page for more info on leading specific group types and to sign up to lead a group.

  • We’ve made it easy for you to find a Small Group! Simply visit the Small Group Finder and filter the search criteria to find a group that works for you. If you need help, email: