Connect Groups

Connect with others and grow in your relationship with God!

Connect Groups are an incredible way to do life with others and develop relationships. The best part about these groups is that you can meet anywhere — a home, a coffee shop, your gym, or your workplace. These groups will choose to go through one of our Milestone Resources study guides, or simply follow along and discuss the current weekend series at Milestone. If you want to participate in a Connect Group — invite your friends, find a place, and choose from any of the resources below! 

  • Message Discussion

    Connect Groups are for anyone who wants to follow along with weekend messages during the fall series and go deeper with the content in a group setting. Discussion questions will be posted weekly on the Milestone Church App or the Small Groups Leader page every Sunday at Noon.

  • Foundations

    We’re all building something: a life, a career, a family, or a business – but have you considered what you’re choosing to build on? The Foundations Book is a great tool for every individual with chapters filled with practical content and discussion questions. If you don't already own this guide and your group decides to do this study, you can purchase it by visiting Milestone Resources.

  • Miracles

    The miracles of Jesus are meant to show us more of His character and who He is. The Miracles book includes access to videos taken in Israel and insightful discussion questions that will help bring you closer to Jesus and show how He can meet us in our time of need. If you don't already own this guide and your group decides to do this study, you can purchase it by visiting Milestone Resources.

  • Seeds

    God loves to build through seeds, but growth is not always an immediate result—it takes time, care, and attention. The Seeds study guide includes questions at the end of each chapter, so your group can discuss and learn more about this powerful concept in the Bible together. If you don't already own this guide and your group decides to do this study, you can purchase it by visiting Milestone Resources.

  • Unshakable

    When life shakes and we encounter challenging situations, we’re able to place our trust in the one thing that doesn’t shake — the Kingdom of God. This guide provides Scripture, discussion questions, and concepts that will help you live a life that’s truly unshakable. If you don't already own this guide and your group decides to do this study, you can purchase it by visiting Milestone Resources.

We have made it easy for you to find a Connect Group!

All you have to do is visit our Small Group Finder and use the filter feature to find the one that’s best for you. You’ll be able to find one in your location, age group, and who are going through the same resource you have chosen.

Milestone Resources

If your group is going through a Milestone Resources study guide, you can find the resource you need at